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COQUITLAM - Every so often we get outstanding stories on our volunteers at the 2016 Federation of International Lacrosse (FIL) Under-19 Men's Lacrosse World Championships presented by Novus. Here's another.

Riki Moliner of Madrid first came to Canada on a school exchange at Robert Bateman in Abbotsford, staying with the Rowland family and being introduced to play box and field lacrosse just a few years ago.

He bought a plane ticket to come back for the world U19s with the intention of playing for Spain. The team was unable to attend due to a combination of exams and cost, so with a ticket already purchased and old friends in Abbotsford, he came anyway.

Moliner is one of over 200 volunteers and went out of his way to make a difference.

"It's been a great experience," Moliner said. "The game is still growing in Spain - this experience has been so good for me, to see the Blue Division teams and to see the USA and Canada. They are just so impressive. I really like the game and the connection between players and other teams has been so good. It makes a big difference."

Moliner has been volunteering in security, parking, ticketing, and program sales.

Now Moliner is focussed on continuing his growth in the sport and will take the knowledge he gleaned in conversations and experience here in Coquitlam back to Spain.

"I help coach, I play. I've just learned so much about breakouts, rides, good knowledge for our game and the importance of speed," he said. "It's been a great experience and i'm so happy to be here."